Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tine Machine featured on Giant Step News

"It was like she came with the party in her hat."

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Luize @ Women

Luize and makeup artist Caroline Hahm:

Luize and me:

Luize Salmgrieze is from Latvia. Caroline knew her from another shoot so we had a fun, laid back environment. She's incredibly smart and funny, and I love her energy and expressions. One of my most fun shoots!

Hair/Makeup: Caroline Hahm

Drielle Valeretto x Tiny Tine

I've always wanted to shoot a girl who could play capoeira...and I found her! Drielle was so animated, loved making funny faces, and knew how to box and play capoeira. I had her kicking and punching all over the place...and even my face!

Hair/Makeup: Nicole Mercado
Styling (or lack thereof): Me

Pilar Solchaga x Tiny Tine

Pilar Solchaga, from Argentina. So charismatic, graceful, and up for anything! I had a lot of fun shooting her.

Hair, Makeup and Styling by me....not that can you can see any of it in this pic!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Martha Streck x Tiny Tine

The fiery Martha Streck! So fierce! I'm so jealous of her hair...

Hair/Makeup: Nicole Mercado
Styling: Me